
How To Get Pregnant With Twins Naturally Fast

How to get pregnant with twins naturally: the traditional methods, the probability

Almost every couple dreams about procreation. There are women who one of the baby a little, and they are seriously thinking about how to get pregnant with twins. The nature of cheating is not so easy. Even the most costly methods may not give 100 percent guarantee that there will be a simultaneous attachment of two embryos to the uterine wall. But there are a few ways that will increase the chances of conceiving twins.

Obsession. Why people dream about the twins?

A lot of people wonder about how to get pregnant with twins? Why they dream about the birth of two children at the same time? The reasons are varied.


There are some of the most basic of them:

  1. Women who plan two or more children dream about their simultaneous birth. This is due to the fact that you have to go pregnant and experience birth pain only once.
  2. Many parents are thinking about how to get pregnant with twins or twins, because they believe that to educate a few children with the same interesting appearance.
  3. Another reason – it is the simultaneous development. Children of the same age will never be bored, all the time they will spend together.

This obsession is the reverse of the coin. First, to raise two kids at the same time – is a big job. Second, many twins are born prematurely, and this may have a negative impact on health.

The Proper mindset

There is a perception that thoughts are material. "Think positive, and everything will work out!" is a phrase we say to doctors, teachers and even priests! Is it possible to get pregnant with twins using this method? Many moms claim that Yes! Scientists cannot give scientific explanations for this phenomenon.


The daily routine of a child in 1 month: sleep, food, walking

The daily routine of a child in 1 month: sleep, food, walking

The daily routine of a child at 1 month is a certain routine according to which he is fed, put to bed, communicate, play, be with him in the fresh air. Pediatricians have developed a different approach to this issue. Some doctors believe that the bab...

An Important condition! To materialize the thought to be right, but in this case, it is possible to hope for success.

man thinking

  • Rule # 1 – a visual representation. You need every day to introduce two small children. In his subconscious depict their appearance to the smallest detail. Focus idea on what they eye color, hair color, facial features.
  • Rule # 2 – positive thinking. Believe in your idea until the end. Do not allow yourself to doubt that method would work.
  • Rule # 3 – signal. Imagine that we are surrounded by higher unseen forces that help us in the fulfillment of desires, daily convey to them your request.
  • Rule # 4-clarification. What is correct will be delivered to your desire, the more accurate it will be executed. Do not say: "I want to have two children." Right thinking requires specificity: "I want to have two girls (boys) in one day."

Make your request to the Universe and believe that it will help to fulfil your desire. Only in this case, it is the thought of how to get pregnant with twins, materialized.

Miracle tablet

If you expect replenishment in the family, parents have repeatedly appealed to the gynecologist with the question of how to get pregnant with twins naturally. Almost every patient was asked: "is there such a drug, which could affect the formation of two embryos at a time?"

folic acid

Unfortunately, there is no magic pill that could guarantee a 100% result. But it has vitamins that stimulate ovulation and prepare the uterus to the adoption of the ovum.

  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin D.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Drug "Aevit".
  • Folic acid.

There is an opinion that if both partners are taking medication for several weeks before ovulation, the chances of a double conception will increase significantly. The drugs dispensed without prescription of the specialist.

Choosing the right time

There are certain periods for conception, and if you track them the chances of getting pregnant with twins will increase.

two ovum

  • Time of the year. The most favorable period for the formation of two embryos – spring or summer. It is believed that at this time in a woman's body accumulates a lot of vitamins.
  • Age. The older expectant mother, the greater her chances of the birth of twins. The ideal age for multiple pregnancy – 35 years and over.
  • Taking any hormonal medications (for the treatment of infertility or for contraception) give rise to the formation of multiple embryos. The ideal time for conception – the month after their withdrawal.
  • The same effect and the natural production of hormones if at the time of conception the girl is breast-fed, the chances of having twins or twins increase.

There are some individual peculiarities. For example, obese girls often become mothers of several children at the same time than the winner of a slender or thin body. Another positive to this situation, the caveat – short menstrual cycle (22 days)

Proper diet

In the human body everything is interconnected. If a young couple are seriously thinking about how to get pregnantwith twins naturally, then she should be ready for careful planning of a new life. The important role played by proper nutrition.

two eggs

There are several products that enhance the function of the ovaries. These include:

  • Eggs.
  • Lean meats (chicken or rabbit)
  • Walnuts.
  • Whole grains.
  • Any kind of seafood.
  • Cheese.
  • Any type of fish.
  • Apricots.
  • Peaches.
  • Grapes.
  • Pears.
  • Apples.
  • Kiwi.
  • Dairy products.

Important! Such products should be present in the diet of both partners: they enhance the functionality of the female ovaries and improve the quality of male sperm.


The Conception of a baby – this is a delicate process that can affect anything. There is a statistic that says that the people of the warm countries of twins appear much more frequently than among those living in regions with temperate and cold weather. This suggests that even the climate can affect the number of embryos transferred.

summer weather

The higher the temperature street thermometer, the more chances to get pregnant with twins, so you should postpone getting pregnant for the summer season or go on vacation to warm countries, to return not together, and the four of us.


In any process that takes place in the human body, plays an important role hereditary factor. Children are always similar to their ancestors. Descendants often transmitted the diseases suffered by their parents. The same factor affects the probability of getting pregnant with twins.

If the male or female line have already been cases of multiple pregnancy, so the body is genetically predisposed to this phenomenon, and the probability of formation of two embryos in couples is high.


Scientists have long studied the topic of how to get pregnant with twins. They also identified a huge number of factors that affect the process of conception. During the research it was revealed an amazing statistic: the highest number of twins or fraternal twins were born after a warrior or global natural shocks. Many women also were able to conceive several children at the same time after a serious personal injury. Check out these theoretical information on your experience, of course, do not want, but the fact remains. Scientists explain this phenomenon by the fact that in this way the body mobilizes the lost strength.

Calculation calendar

On the women's forums you can often see threads on how to get pregnant with twins. Some users argue that to achieve desired success they have due to the calculation of a treasured day on the calendar.

Scientists have identified the most successful days to create a new life.

  1. In January - 1, 13, 28, 30.
  2. February 18, 24.
  3. March 18, 20.
  4. In April - 11, 15.
  5. -1 In may, 29.
  6. In June - 5, 7, 8, 25,30.
  7. In July -1, 2, 10, 24.
  8. In August -1, 13, 15, 17.
  9. In September - 4, 8, 25, 31.
  10. In October - 2, 5, 17, 19.
  11. November 2, 22, 30.
  12. December 3, 6, 9,11.

If it matches ovulation with this "magical" number, then the chances of conceiving twins increases considerably.

Stimulation of ovulation

Currently, you can see a huge number of stories about miraculous healing. The girls were assured that they were found to be almost barren, and some time later learned about double and some even triple the joy!

two embryos

Medical professionals have found the answer for this phenomenon. As it turned out, the problem is to conceive a baby for most women – it's the lack of ovulation. Called this natural process with special preparations. They exert characteristic effects on the body and produce just a few eggs. After intercourse, can be fertilized all at once, or a few of them.

Special uterus

The Presence of a septum in the uterus causes the body to produce two eggs. There is a fairly high probability that they will be fertilized at the same time.

Public facilities

Not only us, but our ancestors were concerned with how to get pregnant with twins naturally. Traditional methods of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers-known in modern times.

cute twins

There are some of the most topical of them:

  • Takes a few months before conception to drink herbal infusion. The healers claim that this remedy stimulates the production of sex hormones in women. As the main component in this case, use thyme, sage, sea-buckthorn or upland uterus.
  • The Most effective method – it is a prayer. Now modern girls don't believe in a higher power, and our ancestors often went to Church and read prayers. Just go to the temple to light a candle and ask the saints about a long-awaited pregnancy.

Even if these two methods will not bring the anticipated result, yet they can have a positive influence on the health of the mother and her baby.

How to get pregnant with twins naturally? People's methods can provide in this situation, effective assistance. Human trustedand experienced charlatans. They often offer naive girls to make a plot or sell a miraculous infusion. As practice shows, in most cases, women lose money and not get the desired result.

The Most effective way

There are a few natural ways to get pregnant with twins or twins. Answers gynecologists for this reason, are the most diverse. Someone actively prescribes medicines and believe in their healing power. And some experts are in no hurry to cheat nature and to mislead the patient.

two devochki

When natural means of conception not achieved the desired results, then join the fight modern technology due to which the chances of success considerably increase. In our case we will focus on the famous in vitro fertilization procedure.

IVF (in vitro fertilization) - is a gynecological procedure performed strictly under laboratory conditions. Its essence lies in the fact that the male sperm fertilizes two eggs in vitro. This process is monitored by experienced professionals. After successful fertilization, the embryos are introduced into the uterus and continue to develop in distinctive conditions.

This is a very effective method, but in this case, there is no 100% guarantee that it will be born twins. An obvious disadvantage of the procedure – the high cost.


Many moms dream of a multiple pregnancy, and some of them put this idea to the main purpose of his life. Before you venture on such a step is to be aware of the possible risks.

  • Regardless of the number of embryos, the blood will be United. This suggests that each of them will receive less oxygen than it ought, which is not a positive sign.
  • In most cases, twins and twins are born premature and with a small weight.
  • In women there is more stretch marks.
  • Generic process is much more complicated, which can lead to negative consequences.

There are many ways to conceive twins: natural, folk or by artificial means. But the nature of cheating is not so easy, neither method is able to give a precise guarantee that will fertilized two eggs.

How To Get Pregnant With Twins Naturally Fast


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