How To Get Rid Of Gynecomastia With Exercise
While many guys exercise aiming to shed a few pounds from their waists or their bellies to slim down, others are more concerned about an area higher up the torso. A bigger issue would be a set of pecs, chest, and upper body that aren't just flabby or fatty–they're full and enlarged.
Prominent breasts in men, a.k.a. man boobs or 'moobs,' are for some a major source of anxiety for the stigma they may face from other men in locker rooms, the beach or pool, or any other scenario where they might be expected to take off their shirt. Men with enlarged chests sometimes fear accusations of being grossly out of shape or mocked as looking effeminate. This shame can cause real hurt, as some men go to the extremes of wearing extra clothes, slouching, gaining more weight on purpose to hide the prominence, or never removing their shirt in public, no matter the circumstances.

Men's Health
But really, the condition, known as gynemastia, is much more common than you might expect; up to 30 percent of men will be affected at some point in their lives, often during periods of life when the body undergoes hormonal changes, like puberty or between the ages of 50 to 69.
But this isn't a one-size fits all condition. There are several factors to consider for guys with 'man boobs' in determining the cause of the enlargement. Some men might just carry excess fat in their breasts, so exercise can help to reduce the area down to a more proportional size. Thankfully, the fatty lumps aren't necessarily dangerous (belly fat in the gut is what you should really worry about), but the condition could be caused by changes in hormone levels from a variety of natural or synthetic factors. Clinical gynecomastia is a hormonal imbalance or elevated levels of estrogen and lowered levels of testosterone. This could come naturally, or might be caused by medications, street drugs, or steroids.
Still, it's usually not a serious problem and may go away on its own. However, if you think you have gynecomastia and it continues to persist or cause you discomfort, you should visit a doctor to find out if medication or surgery will help.
To get rid of their prominent breasts, men are increasingly opting for a surgical solution. Male breast reduction procedures rose by 32 percent from 2000 to 2017 according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, and in 2019 was the fourth most common cosmetic surgery procedure for men.
For those who are dealing with excess fat stored in the chest, picking a more targeted workout plan might help. Using a routine that works to build muscle while burning fat can be a key path to success. Picking exercises that work your whole body to kickstart your metabolism will help along with hammering the chest, so get ready to work hard and fast.
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The Man Boob Eliminator Workout
Firm up your chest and shed your man boobs with these supersets.
DO THIS: Beginning with exercise 1A, do as many reps as you can in 30 seconds. Then rest for 30 seconds.
Next, do exercise 1B, completing as many reps as you can in 30 seconds, and then rest for 30 seconds. That's 1 round. Complete 4 rounds of superset 1, then rest 2 minutes before moving on to superset 2 for 4 rounds.
Add these supersets to your workout routine 2 or 3 times a week.
1A. Inverted Row
Set up a barbell in a squat rack or find a bar at a height where you can hold it from underneath with your body almost parallel with the ground. Make sure to squeeze your glutes and engage your core, as if you were holding a plank, so that this becomes a full-body exercise. Squeeze your shoulder blades, then pull yourself up to the bar (imagine that you are pulling the bar down to your chest to help engage your back).
1B. Pushup
This basic exercise can help to shape your chest more than you might expect—but you might be missing out on some benefits if you're not in the proper position. Like the inverted row, you should do your best to keep your plank position strong, with engaged glutes and core. For more great chest engagement, make sure that your hands aren't too wide apart and your elbows don't flare when you lower to the floor. Once you can push through 15 to 20 perfect reps, begin experiment with variations and half-rep schemes.
2A. Goblet Squat
Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell at chest height. Keep your chest and core engaged to keep the weight from tipping your torso forward—squeezing the back will also help with this. Take your time to lower down, keeping your knees wide apart. Press up from the ground to raise back up top.
2B. Swings
The key here is that this is not a squat with a front raise. Instead, focus on your hip hinge and extension. Bend your knees slightly, bring the weight back through your legs, then stand up and squeeze your glutes powerfully to drive the weight up.
Lara Rosenbaum Writer/editor Lara Rosenbaum lives in San Francisco, and is an avid health advocate and outdoorswoman.
Brett Williams, NASM Brett Williams, a fitness editor at Men's Health, is a NASM-CPT certified trainer and former pro football player and tech reporter who splits his workout time between strength and conditioning training, martial arts, and running.
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How To Get Rid Of Gynecomastia With Exercise
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