
how long to cook hamburgers on george foreman grill

This article about "how to cook burgers on george foreman grill"

Many people think that the only way to cook a burger is on a regular grill. In fact, there are many ways that one can cook a delicious burger without having to fire up the outdoor grill. One of these is using a George Foreman Grill. This article will walk you through how to use this method for cooking your burgers with minimal fuss and little clean-up afterwards.

how to cook burgers on george foreman grill
burgers on george foreman grill

Step by step on how to cook burgers on george foreman grill

Step 1: Get all ingredients together. For a good average sized burger you will generally need 2lbs of ground beef or three pounds if going with an extra thick patty. Use regular 85% lean hamburger meat for best results as it provides excellent flavor and consistency when cooked into a patty.

Step 2: Once you have all of your items selected and gathered, place them onto a large table for easy access. You will need the following ingredients: three pounds ground beef (85% lean), twelve slices of cheese (any kind that melts well is fine), one egg, two tablespoons water or milk, salt and pepper to taste. In addition to these items you will need a package of hamburger buns along with any condiments that suit your tastes such as mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, lettuce, onions, pickles etc.

Step 3: Begin by separating most of the ground beef into six equal portions using a sharp knife or kitchen shears. This will make it much easier when forming the patties later on.

Step 4: Once the portions are formed, form each one into a small patty (about ½ inch thick). This is not an exact science so do not worry about it too much if they are not perfect circles. It will all even out when cooked onto the grill.

Step 5: Place each patty onto a large, flat plate and set aside while you prepare the rest of your ingredients.

Step 6: For maximum flavor in every bite, in a separate bowl mix two tablespoons of water or milk with one egg until well blended then add this mixture to the hamburger meat that has been divided up evenly onto six plates/bowls. Mix gently but thoroughly until all of the meat is moistened by the egg/water mixture.

Step 7: Using an ice cream scoop, dollop out one scoop or portion of ground beef onto each plate and mix gently but thoroughly until the meat is once again moistened by the egg/water mixture. This step ensures that all of the seasonings will evenly coat every patty during cooking so you do not end up with meat that is too salty or flavorless.

You can always add salt and pepper to taste after cooking if desired. Remember that you are working with raw ground beef at this point so be wary of any possible contaminants that could cause illness later on when used without further cooking to eliminate bacteria first.

Step 8: Once all six plates have been mixed, using your hands form them into even sized balls of hamburger meat. It is important that each one be of equal size as this will make it much easier to form four large patties from them later on.

Step 9: In a separate bowl place the twelve slices of cheese and repeat Step 5 with them. Once each slice has been moistened, divide up the cheese equally between the six hamburger balls by placing one piece atop each ball then gently pressing down on the top of each ball until they have spread out into a thin patty on their own. Be sure that they do not mix together just yet.

Step 10: Divide up all condiments among four plates/bowls being sure to use an equal amount for each plate/bowl so everyone gets as much of their favorite toppings as desired.

Step 11: Next divide up the minced onion evenly among all four plates/bowls too. Onions are an absolute must when making burger patties so do not skip this step!

Step 12: Place one plain hamburger bun atop one of the plates/bowls filled with condiments then take a meat patty from the plate that has just been made and lay it on top of the plain hamburger bun followed by a slice or two of cheese depending upon how cheesy you like your burgers.

Top off with some minced onion in the same manner, place another plain hamburger bun atop this, invert these final items so that they are "upside" in relation to what you started with, place this onto the second plate/bowl of condiments, repeat Steps 11 through 13 for each additional hamburger.

Step 14: Take the two plates containing the inverted patties and carefully but swiftly transfer them to a large frying pan that has been preheated on high heat for about five minutes then cover immediately.

Step 15: After about ninety seconds take off the lid and check to see if one side is brown enough then flip over each burger patty using a spatula or fork. Place back on top of the stove covered again for another sixty to ninety seconds. Do not overcook these as they are much thicker than other types of burgers due to having cheese in them!

If you are unsure, pull out one of the thicker ones, cut it in half horizontally and check to make sure that the inside is no longer pink. If it is still a bit on the rare side then cook it until it turns gray then try again with one of the thicker pieces or simply use your broiler for just two minutes instead of frying them.

Step 16: Once every patty has acquired an even brown coloration remove each one to a plate/bowl containing one plain hamburger bun followed by pulling off its top bun and setting it aside so you can reattach it before serving. Peel back any cheese slices or other toppings if desired but keep them attached to the patty they belong to so you can accurately reassemble everything later when served to your guests.

Step 17: Once all five of the inverted hamburger patties have been removed from the frying pan place a lid over it and let the grease heat up again. Do not turn off the stove as you will soon be needing it to cook your eggs! While waiting for this to happen, brush both sides of each burger patty with ketchup or mustard as desired.

Step 18: If you are planning on having egg with your burgers then now is when you want to start cooking them. This is done by cracking one large egg into a bowl and scrambling it slightly before pouring out half of it onto a non-stick pan that has been preheated on medium heat for at least three minutes and no more than four minutes after doing so. Repeat this step for each additional egg you are cooking.

Step 19: Next place each burger patty on the frying pan being sure to leave ample room between them so they do not overlap with one another. Cook these on high heat for about two minutes per side or until done then remove from the pan, set aside and repeat Step 18 for all remaining eggs including any that were cooked second in order to minimize waiting time.

After doing so remove all pieces of fried egg meat onto a plate/bowl containing either ketchup or mustard as desired then keep covered with an inverted bowl or something similar to keep warm if you are planning on using them later.

Step 20: Once every hamburger bun has been heated on medium heat for about two minutes per side or until warm and soft, remove them back to the plate/bowl containing only ketchup or mustard as desired. Brush each piece with melted butter if you like but do not brush on too much as it will likely fall off during the rest of the cooking process.

Step 21: At this point in time go ahead and place your fried eggs onto a plate/bowl containing either ketchup or mustard depending upon which one you are using for yourself. Remember that you can always use up leftovers after guests have gone home so never discard anything without thinking about how it could be put to good use another day!

Your eggs should remain covered with an inverted bowl or similar item in order to keep them warm while finishing up everything else.

Step 22: Return your pan to the stove and set it to high heat once more. Once it has acquired said temperature add one patty of ground beef and use a spatula or fork to break apart its contents into several smaller pieces before cooking for another two minutes or until done. Remove from the frying pan, place onto a separate plate/bowl containing ketchup or mustard as desired then repeat this step for each additional patty.

The final burger only needs the top bun in order to be complete so simply reassemble everything when served!

How long to cook burgers on george foreman grill?

First of all, you have to thaw the meat. If it isn't thawed, cooking time will need to be extended by up to 30%.

Then, preheat the grill for at least 5 minutes before adding burger patties.

Flip burgers halfway through cooking time. George Foreman Grill cooks from both sides simultaneously so there's no need to flip frequently as with a traditional grill.

After cooking patties for half their suggested cooking time on each side (about 4 minutes per side), check them using a quick method: press lightly in center of patty and if it feels like a thick piece of cooked meat, your burger is ready to eat!

If not, cook another minute or two on each side.

Once the patties are cooked through, remove them from the grill and place a slice of cheese between two patties to melt. Top with your favorite toppings and enjoy!

Please note that burgers cook very quickly on a Foreman Grill, so it's best not to overcook them which can make for a tough burger.

Also keep in mind that you can grill chicken or turkey burgers at the same time as beef burgers which will add about 4-5 minutes per side to total cooking time. Each recipe is slightly different but these are good rules of thumb when you're grilling two types of meat at once.

How long to cook turkey burgers on george foreman grill?

Turkey burgers are so easy to cook and the flavors of turkey paired with juicy vegetables make for a delicious dinner. Turkey burgers will take approximately 5-8 minutes on your indoor grill, but be sure check them after 4 because they can sometimes fall through easily when cooking over high heat (I've found that this doesn't happen too often). You may also want give them 1/4 turn halfway through their grilling time in order get some really nice grill marks all around! Then serve up these tender burger patties onto fresh buns topped off nicely…

How long to cook hamburgers on george foreman grill?

how to cook burgers on george foreman grill
hamburgers on george foreman grill

The approximate cooking time for hamburgers is 3 minutes. However, timing may vary by one minute depending if you are using the grill on high or low setting. Be sure to watch them closely toward the last few minutes of cooking to avoid overcooking.

Instructions for cook hamburgers on george foreman grill

1. Turn George Foreman grill on and let it heat up for 5 minutes.

2. Place hamburger patties on surface of grill and close lid, cooking three minutes per side or until meat is no longer pink in the center and patty reaches desired degree of doneness.  Hamburgers should be turned at least once with tongs to avoid piercing the meat with a fork which allows juices to escape from the burger while cooking, causing dryness and lower flavor when finished.  If you want your burgers well done, leave them on the grill an extra minute or two after they're cooked through (or cook them longer).

3. Remove cooked hamburgers from grill and allow to sit for a few minutes before serving.

-If you like your burgers pink, remove them as soon as they hit the internal temperature of 160 degrees (the FDA recommends 160 degrees F).  They'll continue cooking until reaching 165 degrees but you want to avoid overcooking your patties which will cause dryness and less flavor when finished.  Give or take 5 degrees either way should not make a huge difference in taste and quality, but it's good to know that 160 is considered "medium" well by most standards.

-For medium/med rare burgers try 145-150 internal temp, for medium burgers 155-160, and med well 170+ depending on how long you cook them for.

-I'm not sure exactly how long it took my patties to cook on high, but I'd say they were done in about 8-10 minutes total.  They were perfectly browned and had grill marks, but they didn't look overly burned or dried out so I think the George Foreman does an OK job of cooking burgers.

-Remember that meat continues to "cook" after you take them off the grill (the heat carries over) so don't go nuts if your burgers aren't quite cooked yet; wait a few minutes for them to finish cooking through before eating.

There will be no need for hamburger patties because they are already preformed into circles shape like they came from the store.

Best way to cook hamburgers, here are several tips:

  • Uses only half the fat of cooking them in a frying pan or on an open grill
  • Frozen hamburger patties can be defrosted and cooked straight from the freezer if wanted
  • Be sure to season your patties with salt/pepper/seasoning before it goes into George Foreman Grill so flavors will stay locked in when served
  • If you want to add cheese, do so about 2 minutes before removing the finished product from the machine because it starts melting immediately after being exposed to heat.  This is also when you should add any other toppings right before topping off the meat.


Grilling burgers on a George Foreman Grill is one of the easiest ways to cook them and they'll turn out juicy and delicious every time. We hope you enjoyed these tips for cooking burgers, let us know what other types of recipes or tricks you would like to see!

Thank you read our article: How to cook burgers on george foreman grill.

how long to cook hamburgers on george foreman grill


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